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  • Writer's pictureHope T Starr

YWAM 2019: Busan, South Korea

Updated: Feb 21, 2019

Dear friends and family,

Over the past few years I’ve been seriously thinking about what I want to do with my life. I’m still figuring out a lot, but I know that wherever I go, and whatever I do, I want to help others and spread God’s love.

I was introduced to an organization called YWAM (Youth With A Mission) a couple years ago when a friend of mine went to a life-changing DTS (Discipleship Training School) in South Africa! Ever since talking with her and learning more about YWAM I’ve had the impression that I’m supposed to be a part of it in some way.

After sending in my college applications, I began to think more about what I should do with my time before starting higher education, and YWAM kept popping into my mind. So I looked on their website and found a DTS which takes place in Busan, South Korea this spring and summer! I have been studying Korean for two years now, and I absolutely love the culture and language! I’ve prayed about it, and I feel a very strong calling to work alongside other believers in South Korea through this DTS; so I’ve decided to go!

I will be spending 12 weeks in Busan at my base, where I’ll be a part of a faith-based community with other students from all over the world. We’ll participate in nightly worship, work duties, one-on-one discipleship, and intercessory prayer. We’ll also learn from many guest speakers during the daily teaching period (taught in both English and Korean), and help with service projects which might include visiting local churches and prayer rooms, volunteer work in the community, and helping out at the local orphanage.

The following 10 weeks of the DTS is the outreach phase where we will travel around Korea and visit other countries in order to help with service work while learning from strong, Christian leaders and missionaries. The specific countries aren’t decided on yet, but some potential options may be Thailand and the Philippines!

I know that moving forward with this is a big decision. One thing I’ve learned over the past 18 years is that in order to faithfully live out a kingdom lifestyle following in Jesus’ steps we need the support of a prayer community. Therefore, I’d be so thankful for prayers as well as financial support as I pursue God’s will for my life and for this trip!

I will be gone for five months, and need over $7,000 for the trip. I will need $3,500 plus the cost of plane tickets($600), temporary health insurance ($231) and a Korean tourist visa($100) before I leave for Korea in April 2019. And I will need the other half before the outreach portion begins on June 27th 2019. I’ll be putting forward around $2,500 myself, and I trust that God will provide the rest needed for this expedition!

I’m so glad that all of you have been a part of my life, and if you have any questions about YWAM or Korea or anything, I’d love to chat! I’ll also be starting a blog to keep everyone updated on my time in Korea! (This is that blog :P)

Ways to stay in touch and give:

INSTAGRAM: @hopetstarr

VENMO: @Hope-Starr

CHECKS: Can be made out to “River Churches” and must have a separate note (not attached to the check) with my name on it. Their mailing address is: P.O. Box 272 New Castle, CO 81647

감사함니다! Thank you for all your love and support!! ❤ “May the Lord bless you and keep you.”

~Hope Taylor Starr

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