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  • Writer's pictureHope T Starr

Prayer for North Korea

A few months ago, in our DTS lecture phase we heard a testimony from Kenneth Bae, a Korean-American Missionary who was captured by North Korea on charges of planning to overthrow the North Korean government, and was sentenced for 15 years of hard labour, but by the grace of God was only imprisoned for 735 days.

He told us all about his experience in the North Korean prison camp, and how through the power of Jesus He was able to minister to the guards and other prisoners through His captivity. The pain and hardships he and so many other Christians in North Korea have gone through is unimaginable, and it breaks my heart to know that there are still people in captivity in prison/labor camps today.

This is a prayer I wrote a while back, specifically for the Christians living and detained in North Korea:

Colossians 1:9-11

"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy..."

Lord God,

I pray for our brothers and sisters in North Korea. God, may you fill them with your wisdom and your strength. Pour out your grace on them. Help them to know you. We all just want to know you, God.

Let the name of Jesus be declared from the highest mountains. Pour out your holy spirit fire over North Korea. Let the illegal name of Jesus Christ spread rapidly, like wildfire. Burn away all injustice and suffering and sin. And leave only your word and your mercy and your love. Ignite the souls of the Christians in North Korea, and help them to leave sparks of your love and light wherever they go. And help those sparks to catch fire and set the whole country aflame.

Lord strengthen the believers, arm them well with your words, help them put on your full armor, prepare them for battle, and help them set free their foes with love and kindness. Give them joy in the midst of their suffering, oh Lord. And help them to endure everything for your name.

Lord, protect their children in every moment. Help them to realize that there’s something more out there. Help them to realize that YOU are out there. Let them feel your love and to learn about you. Help them to seek and to find you.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray:

Make your name known throughout North Korea. Set the country aflame for you. Strengthen, prepare, and protect your people there.

Amen ~

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