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  • Writer's pictureHope T Starr

A New Season (Update and Prayer Letter)

Hello Everyone!

I hope you're all doing well! I've been continually praying for your safety, and for God's mercy over the world, and the United States especially these days.

It's a crazy time to be alive, but the hope that we have in Christ is insurmountable. I pray that all of you will know God's love for you at this time, and can live out of a place of security in His love.

"I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure."

- Psalm 16:8-9

~ What I've been up to ~

In February, the YWAM base where I did DTS split into two bases. So now Gadeok Base (where I did DTS) and New Port (my current base) base are focusing on building community!

In House of Prayer, we've continued to have daily worship and intercession for the nations and the next generation of believers.

We also are having weekly lectures on meditation in the Psalms, and a Base Bible study.

I moved in with the other female, single staffs on June 22nd. We are now living closer to our church and YWAM base in Busan New Port (Shinhang). And the single, male staff are also moving here on July 20th.

We are about a 15-minute drive from Gadeok Island where I was living before, and where our sister base is.

From July 6-8 our HOP team visited the Daehan Monastery in YangPyeoung to worship and pray for revival.

Our leader, Chang has a connection to the monastery through his mother and older brother, so we were able to lead their monthly night of worship and intercession for the community.

It was amazing to see all the grandmothers come wearing Hanbok ( Korean traditional dress) to come and worship and pray for my generation for hours late at night! They have such a passion for raising up the next generation in the ways of Christ, and it was a beautiful night!

We were also joined by two of my DTS Unnies (older sisters) who live in Seoul, so we had a very joyful reunion as we worshipped together and had fellowship!

~ What's coming up next ~

Right now I'm getting ready to help staff Joyful Camp in August which is a ministry to High school students from Korea, Japan, and North Korean defectors, and focuses on inner healing through the joy of the Lord and Godly community!

Due to the Corona Virus situation, we are unable to travel and meet together, so for this year's camp, we are doing staff training through zoom calls.

And though it's a shame that we can't meet all together, it has been such a joy to see God open the door to have more staff and students from all over Korea and Japan!

I'm also glad to announce that In September I will be staffing a DTS in Gadeok! The House of Prayer Team from Shinhang base will be joining the Joyful Camp Team from Gadeok base to run this Intimacy to Impact DTS!

This DTS will be somewhat of an extension of the mission of Joyful Camp, and will focus on raising up the next generation of worshippers!

While praying about this DTS our leadership received a vision of the next generation rolling out like a wave carrying instruments, dancing, and drawing as God's army into the Nations. And we believe that God is moving in Asia now, and stirring up the hearts of the next generation, preparing the field for harvest.

I'm personally very excited, because when God spoke to me about coming back to Korea, I specifically felt led to House of Prayer, and to serve DTS, but because of Covid-19, I wasn't sure when I would be able to staff DTS. But after hearing about the heart of this DTS from the leaders, I really feel confirmation that everything is in God's hands and His timing!

Prayer Requests:

  • That I can continue to extend my Visa every month until it is safe to travel again.

  • That it would be safe enough for me to visit home for Christmas and still be able to come back to Korea

  • That God would draw me closer to Him, and prepare my heart for this next season of serving others through DTS and Joyful Camp

Thank you all for your support and prayers!

I'm so thankful that my visa has been extended without trouble so far! It is truly by the grace of God that I am in Korea now!

"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

-Romans 8:38-39

House of Prayer youtube channel: click here

Base Instagram: @ywamnewport

~Hope Starr 성소망

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